Early California Franz A. Bischoff"Still-Life with Roses"1890 Lester Boronda"Adobe Interior" - Montereyc. 1913 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Country Church"c. 1938 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Farm Houses"1938 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Farmer with Horse"c. 1940 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Fishermen 'Confab' on the Wharf"1940 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Grey Boats"c. 1942 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Happy Farmer"1940 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Hatton Ranch" - Carmel Valleyc. 1949 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Hauling the Nets"1939 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Hillside Farm with Water Tank"c. 1940 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Hillside Houses"1942 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Horse at the Ranch"1941 Samuel Bolton Colburn"In the Vat" - Montereyc.1940 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Lonesome House"1937 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Mexican Street Singers"1939 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Mining Town"1942 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Net Menders" - Monterey Bay1938 Samuel Bolton Colburn"On the Wharf"1941 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Railway Station and Storage Tanks"c. 1937 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Resting on the Pilings"c.1941 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Still Life with Fruit"c. 1942 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Tanks at the Canneries"c.1941 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Valley Farm Houses - Afternoon Light"1938 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Water Tower and Houses"1942 Samuel Bolton Colburn"Working the Nets"1938 E. Charlton Fortune"Portrait of a Young Lady"1919 Arthur Hill Gilbert, A.N.A."Mt. Doud, Big Sur"c. 1928 Armin C. Hansen, N.A."Empire Builders"1936 Armin C. Hansen, N.A."Idle Fisher Fleet"c. 1910 Armin C. Hansen, N.A."Pine Trees" - Montereyc. 1935 Jeannette Maxfield Lewis"Carmel Valley Farm" Evelyn McCormick"Spanish Bungalow, Hotel Del Monte"c. 1928 Thomas A. McGlynn"Edge of the Forest" Thomas A. McGlynn"Silhouette" Thomas A. McGlynn"The Cove" Thomas A. McGlynn"Winter Light" Thomas A. McGlynn"Wood Indigo" S.F.B. Morse"View towards Carmel Bay from Pebble Beach"1944 NEWJohn O'Shea"Seascape and Rocks, Point Lobos"c. 1921 Carl Sammons"PG Municipal Golf Course Holes 5-6" NEWKarl Schmidt"Cabin at Dusk" - California1919 Catherine Comstock Seideneck"China Cove at Pt. Lobos" Catherine Comstock Seideneck"Fishing Boats at Rest"c.1927 Catherine Comstock Seideneck"Road through the Orchards"c.1935 George Joseph Seideneck"Bad Schandau on the Elbe" George Joseph Seideneck"Bad Schandau on the Elbe"c.1925 George Joseph Seideneck"Bad Schandau on the River Elbe"c.1925 George Joseph Seideneck"Cargo Boat - Venice, Italy" George Joseph Seideneck"Carmel Coast" George Joseph Seideneck"Gypsy Woman" George Joseph Seideneck"Houses on the Hillside" George Joseph Seideneck"Landscape with Houses and Hills" George Joseph Seideneck"Pinnacle Rock" Pt. Lobos George Joseph Seideneck"Rocky Cove, Pt. Lobos" George Joseph Seideneck"Storm Clouds" - near Pt. Lobos George Joseph Seideneck"The Old Philosopher"1913 George Joseph Seideneck"Venetian Boats" George Joseph SeideneckPastel study for Village Castle on James Everett Stuart"Wind Swept, Live Oaks and Redwoods,March 19, 1892 Sydney Yard"Marshland near Monterey" NEWS.C. Yuan"Floral Still Life"06/74 S.C. Yuan"Point Lobos from Highlands Inn"1952