Frank Harmon Myers
"Rose Mesas" - New Mexico
6" x 7"
Oil on board
Signed L. R.
Signed lower right
Titled and signed on reverse
Ex-Collection of Mrs. Betty Hoag Lochrie McGlynn, California art historian and late daughter-in-law of early California artist, Thomas A. McGlynn.
In 1926 Frank Myers first visited New Mexico where he met Joseph Sharp. And then “in 1932 Myers spent a sabbatical year in Santa Fe, renting one of the adobe houses on Canyon Road which he called his “mud palace.” It was in Santa Fe that he painted the strongest pictures up to that time and where he began to develop his mature style”.
Titled and signed on reverse
Ex-Collection of Mrs. Betty Hoag Lochrie McGlynn, California art historian and late daughter-in-law of early California artist, Thomas A. McGlynn.
In 1926 Frank Myers first visited New Mexico where he met Joseph Sharp. And then “in 1932 Myers spent a sabbatical year in Santa Fe, renting one of the adobe houses on Canyon Road which he called his “mud palace.” It was in Santa Fe that he painted the strongest pictures up to that time and where he began to develop his mature style”.